Friday, February 5, 2010

Daily Life

Followers of this blog may come to believe that all I do here is travel and eat, but that would be an exaggeration. Some of you are probably wondering "Is he actually doing any work over there?" Well, yes. I go to the office Monday through Friday, meet with people, talk on the phone, read and write emails, prepare reports and do dozens of other things to keep the wheels of industry turning. Now, I like my work and the people I work with, but it can be a challenge at times to turn the raw material into interesting copy.

So, in a departure from previous topics, today's post will be about the routines of my daily life. If you're already getting that feeling of MEGO (My Eyes Glaze Over) then turn back now.

The Schedule

I work outsourcing hours, which means that I am at the office between 8:30 AM and 5:30 PM, Eastern Time. This translates into 7:00 PM to 4:00 AM, India Time. Here's how the hours of the day fill up, on India Time:

Midday - Wake up
Afternoon - Eat, work out or swim, relax, run errands, work from the hotel
6:00 PM - Commute to work
7:00 PM - Work
10:30 PM - Eat some more
11:00 PM - Work some more
4:00 AM - Commute to the hotel
4:30 AM - Snack
5:00 AM - Sleep

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