Sunday, March 28, 2010

Sunday Night at Marina Beach

On Sunday night March 28, 2010, I visited Marina Beach with a friend. It's a huge and popular public space with cool ocean breezes. Families go there for picnics, kids fly kites, young lovers take long romantic walks by the waves, and friends just hang out and have fun.

We met some guys doing some acrobatic moves and I got some of them on video. (Sorry for the quality - the image on the camera was much better, but after using iMovie as my video editor, I lost a lot of brightness and detail. Judging by the user forums, this is a problem with iMovie. Once I figure out a better way, I'll post better video.)

One of the guys in the group I talked with is mcrico, a rapper from Malaysia who's working in Chennai. He and his friends are amazing! We've exchanged emails and once I get more information on their music, I'll add it to this post.

You never know who you'll meet at Marina Beach, and that's what makes it great.

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